Friday, August 6, 2010

Tips And Tricks: Animal Kaiser Barcode!

Weak but want to win?

This is the website just for you!

It the website to the barcode generator and barcode code!

Go to for the code of the barcode and go for the barcode generator.

Steps to making a barcode:

1.Go .

2.Search the number of the card you're looking for. (Example: I am looking for Great White Shark and the card number is A-002.) The barcode code is in the second column.

3.Go to the seventh column and copy whatevers in that coulmn.

4.Go to

5.Paste the whatever on the seventh coulmn word (seen in step 3) on the barcode data.

6.Make sure the Barcode Symbology is Code 128.

7.Also make sure the Output Format is bmp.

8.Click generate barcode

9.Then, you got your barcode.

10.Right click on the barcode. Then will appear a list of words.

11.Click on save picture as.

12.Save it in somewhere.

13.Go Microsoft word or power point.

14.Insert the barcode to the blank page.

15.Re-size the barcode. (Meaning: Make the barcode size to the same size of the barcode you see on your animal kaiser card.)

16.Print it out

17.You got your barcode!

That's how I got my Lunar Wolf barcode on the right!

Do remember to stay tune!

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